Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6

Monday, April 18, 2011

A Lull of Excitement

Lately Aaron has been laughing at me because I'm excited "all the time". I guess you could say I've been a little overly excited about too many things lately. I never thought I'd be getting made fun of for being excited too much. I thought being excited about something would be a good thing, but I think I may have reached the point where it might just be plain annoying. I'm not going to lie...I'm sitting here thinking about all the things I've been excited about lately, and I'm having to resist the urge to run in the other room and tell Aaron yet another thing I'm excited about. I know exactly what his response would be too. He would just laugh, shake his head, and say "you're excited about everything".

I'm excited about the fact that I only have to work four days this week. I'm excited to get to spend some time with family this weekend. I'm super excited about the fact that we're refinishing a table for our new house at my dad and Jody's. I was really excited about the fact that it was going to reach 60 degrees this weekend until I heard that it was supposed to rain for almost the next ten days straight. But then I got excited again when I remembered how "April showers bring May flowers" (or so they say). I was really excited about dinner tonight when I walked in the door from work and could smell Barb's delicious meal cooking for us, and I'm sure I'll be really excited about at least ten other meals this week. Not to mention, I'm extremely excited about my our new house!! I'm excited to be able to paint the walls, work in the garden, sit on my sun porch and drink tea on a Saturday morning, make meals in my new kitchen, and do all the other things that homeowners do.

Don't get me wrong. There are plenty of things that I could not be excited about, but it's so much more fun to be excited about things. The Lord has blessed us so much, and I'm thankful even for the ability to get excited. I hope I stay in this lull of excitement for a long time.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Small Town Life

It's official...we're small town people. It's amazing how quickly we became acclimated to our new environment.

This past week...
I didn't have to tell anyone we were buying a house because everyone I ran into already knew.

Without thinking, I waved to all oncoming traffic on my way to work.

I felt out of place at Wal-Mart because half of the people there were in overalls. (I continue to tell Aaron that I need a pair, but he just laughs at me.) 

I got stuck in "traffic" on my way to work...or (in other words) I got stuck behind a tractor on my way to work. 

I also came to realize that... 
My weekend excitement now involves a trip to a Wal-Mart where I will run into at least a dozen people I know.

My car stays filthy because of all the dirt roads, and there are about 1,234 bugs on my windshield. (By tomorrow I may reach 2,000.) 

It is normal to see an old man riding through town on his lawn mower...with a small trailer on the back.

And...the closest mall is an hour away. (sigh) 

O' the joys of small town life...

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Perfect Home for Us

The past few weeks have flown by...literally. We've been looking at a specific house for quite a while now, and we finally made an offer about a week ago. After many evenings of counter-offering back and forth with the seller, we finally had an accepted offer. Praise God I have an attorney for a husband so that he can read all the small print that I signed this week because I really had no clue what I was signing. I could have been buying a shack down the street for all I knew. 

Our new house really is perfect for us, and I really hope it wasn't a shack listed in the contract. (If it is, it's a really expensive shack.) This house fits our personalities so perfectly, and we can't wait to start enjoying our new home. We close on May 26th, so let the paperwork and inspections begin....I'm already exhausted, and we are still 6 weeks away from closing.