I'm not going to beat around the bush...last weekend was just crazy busy. That seems to be the story of my life, but here's a few clips from our crazy busy Halloween weekend.
My friend Heidie's munchkins came over and carved pumpkins with Aaron, Christi, Justin, and myself. |
These three are just the cutest. |
After the world series, the boys joined us and the kids and Heidie left. Yes, that is a power tool in my husband's hand. He doesn't take carving pumpkins lightly. |
After a fun evening, the four of us carved some pretty cool pumpkins. This was taken at 2am. I can't remember the last time I was up that late. |
Saturday was Rachel's 3rd birthday party, and Cory did an AMAZING job doing a Disney princess themed party. Great job, Cory!! The food was delicious! |
And here's Little Miss Rachel Jasmine showing off some of her birthday presents. |
And that's pretty much it. Hope everyone had a great Halloween weekend!! I can't believe it's November already...yikes! Where has the time gone?
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